Referendum Informational Meeting
The School District of Weston invites you to a community meeting to discuss the upcoming operational referendum on the April 1, 2025 ballot. This meeting offers the opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and hear how the operational referendum will impact our schools & community.
Join us on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 6:00 P.M. in the Weston High School Gymnasium

What is an Operational Referendum?
An Operational Referendum is a voter-approved increase in taxes, over the current revenue limit, the funds from which are earmarked to cover the costs of the ongoing, day-to-day operational expenses necessary to maintain the educational programs of the district. Such costs include but are not limited to: utilities, routine and preventative maintenance, curriculum and instruction, programs/clubs/organizations, academic/fine arts/athletics, low class sizes, equipment and supplies, services to support students’ needs, professional development, salaries and benefits, instructional interventions and enhancements, field trips, etc.
Why is an Operational Referendum Needed?
The district is anticipating considerable funding shortfalls over the next three years, as rising costs are exceeding the revenue from the State of Wisconsin. As state funding for public education fails to keep pace with expenses, schools will need to seek additional support from their community to sustain class sizes, programs, and facilities.
How Will it Affect Me?

Focus Areas

Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding the operational referendum, please contact our District Administrator Molly Kasten
Email: kasten@weston.k12.wi.us
Phone: 608-983-2380 ext. 204
District Cell Phone: 608-610-9636
You may also submit any questions you may have electronically, by clicking the button below. Answers will be provided to your questions via email within 3 to 5 business days.